Imperial News

CIPM apps at the Dutch National Congress on Antibiotic Stewardship

by Elle Clegg

Prof. Alison Holmes will be talking apps and gaming in a medical context at the Dutch National Congress.

Professor Alison Holmes of the Centre for Infection Prevention and Management at Imperial College, London will be speaking at the Dutch National Congress on Antibiotic Stewardship on 18th December 2014.

Professor Holmes will be giving two talks, the first, Implementation of an Antibiotic Stewardship Programme on a National Level, looks at the challenges of managing antibiotic resistance across the NHS. The second talk, Taking Stewardship to the Next Generation: from apps to serious games focuses on the research CIPM has done into using apps and games to encourage younger healthcare professionals to integrate antibiotic stewardship into their daily practice.

CIPM has become recognised as a centre of excellence for its multidisciplinary approach to tackling the issues of healthcare associated infection through organisational research, social marketing, epidemiology, laboratory based programmes and education. Since its inception, CIPM has delivered outputs with significant national and international impact including influence on policy and guidance, a pipeline of publications and by many abstracts and posters being accepted to international conferences.

One of the key aims of  the Centre for Infection Prevention and Management is to integrate infection prevention into service delivery.  This means that a number of the projects within the Centre have generated outputs which are of direct utility to the NHS.

Some of these are new surveillance models, or new methods of diagnostics, others are smartphone applications, organisational tool-kits and guidelines. Many of these tools are available to download via the CIPM web page.