Neurotechnology Grand Challenge Day 2014


Grand discussions

Grand discussions

The Imperial College Centre for Neurotechnology held a Grand Challenge Day on 17th July 2014.

The Centre for Neurotechnology held a Grand Challenge Day on 17th July 2014, which brought engineers, scientists and clinicians around a table to brainstorm PhD projects for October 2015 for the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Neurotechnology for Life and Health.

The day was a mix of facilitated discussion and short talks to set the scene with perspectives on future prospects for neurotechnology, inlcuding contributions from:

Paul Matthews, Professor of Clinical Neurosciences; Head of Division of Brain Sciences, Imperial College

John Gallacher, Director of the UK Dementias Research Platform

David Sharp, Professor of Neurology, Department of Medicine, Imperial College

Kris Famm, Head of the Bioelectronics R&D unit at GlaxoSmithKline plc

Pat McCormack, Senior R&D Manager, Stryker Neurovascular

Ravi Vaidyanathan, Senior Lecturer in Bio-Mechatronics, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College



Kate Hobson

Kate Hobson
Department of Bioengineering

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