Energy Infrastructure symposium held at Imperial College London
The latest in a series of symposia organised by Energy Futures Lab covering energy research topics was held yesterday.
Yesterday Energy Futures Lab hosted a symposium on the topic of Energy Infrastructure for researchers, academics and other staff at Imperial College London. The half day meeting covered many of the areas of study at Imperial that touch on the topic and attracted almost 100 attendees.
The event was part of a series organised by Energy Futures Lab promoting and facilitating cross-disciplinary cooperation to tackle vital energy challenges of interest to the institute. Covering systems modelling, disruptive technologies and infrastructure development the day featured panel discussions with speakers from seven different departments, provoking in-depth and diverse questions from the audience. To further assist networking the meeting was followed by a poster session showcasing research from around the College.
“This kind of event is just one of the many ways Energy Futures Lab can help Imperial College London maintain its place as a world leader in Energy Research,” says Professor Tim Green, Energy Futures Lab Director. “I thought it was a great day and am sure ideas and collaborations were sparked by it.”
The Energy Infrastructure Symposium builds on interdisciplinary workshops held earlier in the year on Smart Energy and Energy Efficiency. If you are interested in being kept up to date with future similar meetings or have a suggestion for an area such a meeting could cover please contact Darren Grey, Energy Futures Lab’s Research Engagement Manager.
You can find the various presentations given throughout the day below:
Tim Green – Opening Remarks (PDF)
James Keirstead – Modelling Multi-scale Energy Systems (PDF)
Axel Gandy – Bayesian Models and Applications for Energy Disaggregation (PDF)
Billy Wu – Battery Ageing and Degradation (PDF)
Julie McCann – Cyber-physical System Support for Energy Infrastructure (PDF)
Meysam Qadrdan – Combined Gas and Electricity Infrastructure Planning (PDF)
Richard Green – State Aid Analysis for Electricity Market Reform (PDF)
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