Imperial students win at Biotech YES


Royal School of Mines, the home of the Department of Materials

An interdisciplinary team of Imperial PhD students have won this years Biotech YES award for best healthcare business plan sponsored by GSK

A group of PhD students from the Stevens Group in the Dept of Materials have won ‘Best Healthcare Business Plan’ Award at the Biotechnology Young Entrepreneurship Scheme (YES) Finals which took place at One Whitehall Place on Monday 8th December 2014.

Biotechnology YES aims to raise awareness of commercialisation of bioscience ideas among early career researchers. The students first competed in the regional round at the Stevenage Bioscience Catalyst back in October and were selected to go through to the finals. Their hypothetical business was called InfectDetect with a product which was a paper-based diagnostic test that would differentiate between viral and bacterial infections and therefore cut down on antibiotic use. Their £500 prize was sponsored by GlaxoSmithKline


Liz Choonara

Liz Choonara

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Student-experience, Enterprise
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