Chief Medical Officer seeks advice from Imperial College


Professor Alison Holmes

At a recent meeting with the Chief Medical Officer, Prof. Holmes and other clinical leaders gave advice on antimicrobial resistance issues.

Professor Alison Holmes of Imperial College, London, took part in the clinical leaders’ meeting on antimicrobial resistance in November.

At the meeting, organised by the Chief Medical Officer Dame Sally Davies, clinical leaders were updated on the work already in progress to address antimicrobial resistance at a national and international level.

Their views were also sought on how best to engage healthcare workers on the issue of antimicrobial resistance, how antimicrobial stewardship can be taken forward across healthcare and how to develop clinical leadership commitments in specialty areas to deliver improvements.

As a result of the discussions the Chief Medical Officer is meeting with Sir Bruce Keogh and the Medical Directors to explore what more can be done to drive the antimicrobial resistance agenda.

Professor Holmes and her colleagues will continue to work with the Chief Medical Officer on ideas to embed antimicrobial resistance champions in every specialty in the NHS to deliver sustained improvements in infection prevention and control, antimicrobial prescribing and stewardship issues.


Elle Clegg

Elle Clegg
Department of Medicine

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