Imperial News

National Student Survey 2015 gets underway at Imperial

by Jon Narcross

Imperial's final year undergraduates are invited to share their views, as the National Student Survey 2015 gets underway.

The nationwide survey asks final year undergraduates to rate a range of elements related to their experience at Imperial, including academic support, learning resources and assessment and feedback. This year’s survey is open now and closes on 30 April.

Professor Debra Humphris, the College’s Vice-Provost (Education) said: “I want to encourage our final year students to reflect on their whole experience during their time at Imperial and share their views and ideas in order to leave a lasting contribution. The feedback from the NSS really matters to departments, faculties, the College and Imperial College Union and it’s something we all take seriously in our efforts to continually enhance the experience of our students.”

I want to encourage our final year students to reflect on their whole experience during their time at Imperial

– Professor Debra Humphris

Vice Provost (Education)

The survey’s results are made available later this year. NSS data helps inform key education-focused developments, from departmental action plans aimed at enhancing teaching to the personal and career support available to students.

Imperial College Union also produces a formal response to the survey’s results, to help the College and Union work together on improvements.

Pascal Loose, Imperial College Union’s Deputy President (Education) said: “We want to see as many students as possible complete the survey, last year we had 84% of eligible students respond and I hope we can beat it this year. I would really encourage students to make use of the free text boxes and provide more details on their experiences. The more information the students provide the more reliable and useful the survey will be to both the Union and the College.”

Eligible students can complete the survey at: