Imperial News

Interest in neglected tropical diseases is growing in Norway

by Mrs Alexandra Grainger

SCI is asking Norway, a global leader in international development, to join UK and US governments to ensure the best value bilateral development aid.

Interest and support is growing across Norway for the work SCI is doing in sub Saharan Africa, in large part due to the expansion of the ‘Effective Altruism’ movement.  SCI was thrilled to be invited to publish an article for publication in Minerva Magazine.

Minerva, is the journal of Civita, the liberal think tank, generating debates across Norway.  Minerva was started by the Conservative Students’ Association in Norway in 1924. In 1957 the Quarterly journal Minerva was founded, and more recently, a revitalised version of the Magazine Minerva hit the web.

The Norwegian Government is currently reviewing its foreign aid priorities. SCI is working hard to ensure neglected tropical diseases are included in the discussions.

The article, jointly written by Professor Alan Fenwick (Director of SCI) and Dr Peter Jourdan (SCI Programme Manager for Madagascar and Niger), focuses on the correlation between treating children for NTDs and reductions in anaemia, malnutrition and growth retardation, directly resulting in improvements in education, gender equality and human rights.  The authors call for politicians to place NTDs on the Norwegian development agenda.

To read the article in Norwegian click here
To read the translation of the article in English click here