Electrical & Electronic Engineering recognised in President & Rector's Awards


Vic Boddy

Vic Boddy - one of three members of staff recognised for their outstanding contribution

Each year Imperial College staff are chosen to receive President and Rector's Awards for Excellence.

This year, 30 members of staff were recognised for having made outstanding contributions in teaching, pastoral care, research supervision and supporting the student experience. Nominations were received from staff and students across the College, and winners were decided by a selection panel chaired by Vice Provost (Education) Professor Debra Humphris.

Danilo MandicProfessor Danilo Mandic, Professor in the Communication and Signal Processing Group, was selected as one of the recipients of the Award in Excellence in Research Supervision. This recognises staff who have made exceptional contributions in providing a supportive learning environment for postgraduate research students.


Paul Mitcheson

Dr Paul Mitcheson, Senior Lecturer in the Control and Power Research Group, was given one of the Awards for Excellence in Teaching. These awards recognise outstanding teaching quality, organisation and presentation.





Vic BoddyMr Vic Boddy, Electronic Support Group Technician, was given his Award for Excellence in Supporting the Student Experience. This recognises the importance placed by the College on the contribution of support staff to enhance the student experience. 



Emma Rainbow

Emma Rainbow
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

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Contact details

Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 6198
Email: e.rainbow@imperial.ac.uk

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