Imperial News

Careers Cafe – open for business!

by Barnaby Mollett

A Careers Cafe provides a setting for a small group of students to have an informal discussion on a chosen careers topic, led by a Careers Consultant.

Over the course of the Spring Term, the Careers Service will be running several Careers Cafés, enabling you to find out more about a variety of topics in relation to careers, different employment sectors, and more!

The structure will vary from session to session, but the Careers Café is very much discussion based, and offers the opportunity for you raise any questions you may have about the topic, with the member of Careers Service staff running the session and your student peers.

Recent sessions

  • 20 February: LinkedIn
  • 27 February: The Virtual Interview: Impress over Skype & Video
  • 2 March: “I have no skills!” – Really? How to build your skills profile for an effective CV
  • 12 March: Civil Service, Government and Policy

More Careers Cafés will be added during the term - keep an eye on JobsLive for details!

Upcoming sessions

  • To be announced soon... 

How do I attend?

Student at a Careers event

You will need to book a place to attend the Careers Café of your choice in advance, using JobsLive.

As these sessions will be run for small groups (around five students), you are recommended to book as soon as possible to secure your place.