Imperial News

Imperial celebrates LGBT History Month

by Deborah Evanson

Imperial is hosting a series of events throughout February to mark LGBT History Month.

LGBT History Month is about claiming our history, celebrating our presence and creating our future.

– Tony Fenwick

CEO, Schools Out UK

Celebrated nationally, the month aims to promote lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) history and raise awareness of issues affecting the LGBT community.

The month’s event will include social activities, inclusivity training courses, and a keynote lecture, as well as incorporating the launch of Imperial’s new policy to support trans staff.

On 10 February, Tony Fenwick, CEO of Schools Out UK, will deliver Imperial’s LGBT History Month keynote lecture. Schools Out UK is a charity which campaigns for the rights of LGBT people in education. The charity was one of the founders of LGBT History Month in 2005.

Tony Fenwick

Tony Fenwick, CEO of Schools Out UK

Tony said: “As LGBT people, we are in a unique situation because much of our history has been hidden due to the discrimination and persecution that we have faced. It is important that we now make this history visible, and get across the message that LGBT people have been around throughout all ages. LGBT History Month is about claiming our history, celebrating our presence and creating our future.”

LGBT History Month also sees the launch of Imperial’s new trans policy – the result of ongoing work with charity GIRES to improve the support the College offers to its trans community.

Louise Lindsay, Director of HR, said: “I am delighted that Imperial is launching a new policy and guidance in support of its trans staff.  Imperial is committed to ensuring a supportive and inclusive working environment for all in its diverse community however we know that there is still much work to be done and there is a need for better understanding and support for trans people in the workplace. I am very proud that Imperial is leading good practice in the sector in the development of this policy.”

Schedule of Events

Keynote Lecture
10 February 2015, 16:00-17:30
SALC 10, South Kensington Campus
More information and register.

Respecting Different Orientations in the Workplace Training
11 February 2015, 13:30 –16:00
SALC 2, South Kensington Campus
More information and register.

Trans Policy Launch
17 February 13:00,
Salc 2, South Kensington Campus
More information and register.

“Milk” Film Showing
18 February, 16:00 - 19:00
Chem Eng. LT 3, South Kensington Campus
More information and register.

LGBT Staff Network Lunch
27 February, 12:30—14:00
The Union Bar & Grill, St Marys Campus
Please confirm your attendence by contacting either Victor Abah or Andrew Walley.