Podcast: LKCMedicine, Ebola, and the dinosaurs' demise


dinosaurs asteroid

An update from LKCMedicine, an Ebola doctor's story and new research on how the dinosaurs were wiped out.

The podcast is presented by Gareth Mitchell, a lecturer on Imperial's Science Communication MSc course and the presenter of Click Radio on the BBC World Service, with contributions from our roaming reporters from the Research Communications group.

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Lucy Lamb

Dr Lucy Lamb in Sierra Leone

News: NHS, stegosaurus, flu – New findings on how austerity has affected some NHS treatments, how much a stegosaurus weighed, and how often people catch flu.

LKCMedicine: a success storyProfessor Jenny Higham discusses how Imperial partnered with Nanyang Technological University to establish a new medical school in Singapore, which opened in August 2013.

On the Ebola frontline - Dr Lucy Lamb, a clinical research fellow in the Department of Medicine, talks about her experience as an army doctor working in an Ebola treatment centre in Sierra Leone.

Scientists doubt fire killed dinosaurs - An asteroid impact may have wiped out the dinosaurs, but recent research suggests the impact didn’t cause a global firestorm, as Dr Guillermo Rein (Mechanical Engineering) explains.


Sam Wong

Sam Wong
School of Professional Development

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Lee-Kong-Chian-School-of-Medicine, Podcast
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