Imperial News

Best Young Researcher Award

by Emma Rainbow

Dr Deniz Gündüz has been awarded "Best Young Researcher" in the Europe, Middle-East and Africa Region by the IEEE Communications Society.

Dr Gündüz, lecturer in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, and researcher in our department’s Intelligent Systems and Networks Group, was named ‘Best Young Researcher’ in the Europe, Middle-East and Africa Region by the IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc).

The IEEE ComSoc is a leading global community made up of communications professionals with a common goal of promoting the advancement of science and technology in communications and related disciplines.

The Best Young Researcher award recognises members in their region for their promising research activities for the benefit of the society.

Dr Gündüz said ‘I am really honoured for having been chosen for this award among many other excellent young researchers in Europe, Middle East, and Africa. I am really appreciative and grateful of the fact that my research is being acknowledged by my colleagues and the IEEE Communications Society, and this gives me great motivation to continue striving for the best quality results.’

Dr Gündüz received his PhD from NYU Polytechnic School of Engineering, and studied for his first degree at the Middle East Techncial University in Turkey. His research interests lie in the areas of communication and information theory with special emphasis on joint source-channel coding, multimedia transmission over wireless channels, privacy and security in cyber-physical systems, energy harvesting communication systems and cross-layer design.