Imperial News

Physics 'Lit Up' at the Fringe

by Victoria Garland, Meilin Sancho, Xuhua Wang, Dr Robert Woodward

The Physics EXSS and Optics Groups and the Optical Society took part in the recent Imperial Fringe Festival


Students (Edward Lofts, Nathan Chander, Jessica Wade and Iain  Hamilton) who were involved in the event had a great time to engage with the public about plastic electronics. The people who visited our stand were very intrigued and excited about the prospects of plastic electronics lighting up our lives in the near future, from foldable televisions to electronic wallpaper! Our stand was very popular to attract various audience including future scientists, scientists and experts from different fields and normal people.

- Xuhua Wang


Demonstrating the power of lasers for developing new microscope techniques... Taran Driver, Konstantin Holzner, Emma Simpson and Robert Woodward of the Imperial Optical Society were on-hand to show visitors how to build a simple laser projection microscope for seeing creature inside pond water, and to explain how this relates to cutting-edge microscopy research in the Photonics group at the College.

- Robert Woodward


Kenny Weir, Martin McCall, Ian Carter and Rene Topf demonstrated and explained both aspects of Polarization, linear and circular. This was aptly aided by the use of  hands on filters and polarizing spectacles used when viewing iridescent  beetles and even glacier mints. It was a big success and fascinated an audience of all ages.

- Meilin Sancho