Imperial News

Energy researchers win medals from The Institution of Chemical Engineers

by Neasan O'Neill

Researchers working on energy have been recognised by the Institution of Chemical Engineers for contributions to research and engagement.

The Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) have announced their 2014 medal winners and Imperial College London researchers have picked up five of them, four of them energy related. The awards are for various achievements from fundamental research to engagement with policy makers.

The IChemE medals are prestigious awards that recognise outstanding contributions made by individuals or groups to the development or wellbeing of chemical engineering and the Institution. IChemE is a global organisation and the winners represent that. There are awards winging their way to all corners of the world including the U.S., Canada, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand and the UK.

Of the winners from Imperial four of them work closely with Energy Futures Lab on energy related-research. Dr Niall Mac Dowell was awarded the Nicklin Medal for his exceptional contribution to the process sciences, while Dr Camille Petit was awarded the Warner Medal for showing exceptional promise in sustainable chemical process technology. Also from the Department of Chemical Engineering, the Guggenheim Medal was awarded to Professor George Jackson for research excellence in the field of thermodynamics and/or complex fluids.

Dr Fennell won the Ambassador prize for his broad range of outreach activities, including advising the UK Government on decarbonisation, chairing the new Clean Energy Special Interest Group, and helping promote science and engineering to the general public. "I am very happy to have won this prestigious prize from the IChemE, which recognises the hard work put in by my group and co-workers at Imperial,” says Dr Fennell β€œin particular our governmental advisory work in collaboration with the Grantham Institute."

The final prize for Imperial was the Arnold Greene Medal given to Professor Stephen Richardson for his long standing engagement with IChemE journals.

You can see the full announcement of the winners on the IChemE website.