Women in Physics Lunches

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Women in Physics lunch

Lunches were held to celebrate women in Physics

To celebrate International Women’s Day (March 8th) the Imperial College Women in Physics (WiP) Cohort held a lunch to recognise quite how lucky we are to work with such exciting female academics, support staff, technicians and researchers. A lunch was also held for Undergraduate Women in Physics.

There are very few women working in STEM subjects (5.3 % of women-in-work, vs. 31.3 % of men) and even fewer in leadership roles. Only 11.6 % of the highest paid academic roles and 10.7 % of board directorships are held by women.1 Women make up 22 % of the undergraduate and 15 % of the postgraduate physics community.

The lunches represented the launch of the WiP cohort. The cohort will organise a range of events to ensure women are inspired to choose physics as an undergraduate degree, explore as a postgraduate and carry this enthusiasm into the academic world. 

Full report of the Women in Physics lunch

Full report on the Undergraduate Women in Physics lunch



Photographs courtesy of Meilin Sancho.


Victoria Garland

Victoria Garland
Department of Physics

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Email: press.office@imperial.ac.uk
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Jessica Wade

Jessica Wade
Department of Materials

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Contact details

Email: jessica.wade@imperial.ac.uk

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