Robert Winston 'enthralls' students at prestigious Essex school


Robert Winston, George Constantinides and school representatives

Professor Winston, Professor Constantinides and Mr Jenkinson with Claire Borgartz, a Y13 student and Biology Olympiad Gold Medallist.

Professor Robert Winston visited Colchester Royal Grammar School to observe teaching of local primary students, gave a talk and led a seminar.

Professor Winston is not only a very learned scholar and a brilliant communicator; he is also a very kind and generous man. He had such an engaging manner with the students that they were enthralled by him and hung on his every word.

– Mr K L Jenkinson

Headmaster, CRGS

Colchester Royal Grammar School welcomed Robert Winston on 13 March, accompanied by Professor George Constantinides (Professor of Digital Computation) as part of an ongoing relationship between the school and the Faculty of Engineering.

Professor Winston observed primary school classes taking place, gave a lecture and led a discussion on his book 'Bad Ideas' with sixth-form science students.

As part of the relationship between Imperial's Engineering departments and CRGS, a series of resources to enhance primary mathematics teaching will soon be piloted in local primary schools. These will be made publicly available in due course.



Luke Bacon

Luke Bacon
Student Recruitment and Outreach

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