Imperial News

Imperial collaborates in biomedical robotics with Chinese University of HK

by Andrew Scheuber

Imperial has joined forces with one of Asia's leading universities to develop next generation biomedical robotic technology.

The Chinese University of Hong Kong will collaborate with Imperial’s Institute of Global Health Innovation on education and research related to healthcare innovation and biomedical robotics. 

At an event in Hong Kong on 21 March, the two institutions set out plans to work together in fields including:

  • Global health and the application of data analytics and methodologies to support the improvement of healthcare systems
  • Joint educational programmes in health policy
  • Innovation in engineering and robotics

Professor Guang-Zhong Yang, Director of the Hamlyn Centre for Robotic Surgery at Imperial College London, said: “We are delighted to work with the CUHK research teams on healthcare solutions that can reshape the future of patient care and wellbeing. Focusing on technological innovation but with a strong emphasis on clinical translation and direct patient benefit with a global impact, we look forward to working together on some of the groundbreaking topics in imaging, sensing and robotics.”

Promoting innovation

Professor Joseph Sung, Vice Chancellor and President of CUHK, said: “Promoting innovation and technology is a core policy in Hong Kong.  It is not only the catalyst of economic development, but also essential to healthcare service enhancement. Healthcare innovation improves therapy effectiveness and lowers surgical risks while maintaining Hong Kong’s international leadership in healthcare services.

CUHK and Imperial launch their partnership

CUHK Professors Philip Chiu and Joseph Sung launch the partnership with Imperial's Professor Guang-Zhong Yang


"CUHK has been dedicated to the development of healthcare innovation and biomedical engineering. The collaboration with Imperial College London will further sharpen our edge in the field, and is expected to mark a milestone in local as well as global healthcare technology advancement and professional training.”

The two institutions have already established successful student exchange programmes. Last summer two biomedical engineering undergraduate students from CUHK went to Imperial’s Hamlyn Centre for 10 week research attachments. Another two top biomedical engineering undergraduates from CUHK will come to Imperial this summer, in addition to a CUHK medical student who will undertake postgraduate study in robotic engineering at the College.