Festival volunteers take a break to listen to music

As recruitment for volunteers at the 2015 Imperial Festival begins, we take a look at the opportunities available and speak to some past volunteers.
The Imperial Festival showcases the best science and arts on offer at Imperial. With thousands of visitors coming to the South Kensington Campus for the event, volunteers are crucial to ensuring guests receive a warm welcome and that the event runs smoothly. Staff and students from across the College perform a variety of roles from managing venues, greeting visitors to setting up exhibits and helping to transform the campus.
Volunteering at the Festival provides an opportunity to be part of the College’s largest public event. You will get to meet people from across the College, learn new skills and get first-hand experience of what it takes to put on a large-scale, public engagement event.
Get involved
With this year’s event taking place on both Saturday 9 May and Sunday 10 May, we’re looking for people to work either or both days. There are roles for front-of-house as well as behind-the-scenes, across all aspects of the Festival including the Alumni Weekend and Explore Zone for younger audiences.
In addition to the experience, you will also receive a much sought after Festival volunteer t-shirt and food and drink vouchers (for anyone working more than four hours). Some departments also provide time-off in lieu (at the discretion of your line manager).
For more information about volunteering at the Festival contact the Festival team by email.
Could this be you?
We caught up with three of our volunteers from previous Festivals to hear about their experiences.
Management Trainee
"The atmosphere was buzzing at last year’s Festival, it was great to be part of something really big, where everyone from across the departments contributes. I’m on the Graduate Management Training Scheme and I jumped at the chance to get involved as I’d heard good things about it from past trainees.
"On the Saturday last year, I was co-ordinating activities in the Sir Alexander Fleming Building including managing other volunteers and taking bookings for special activities such as the Flight Simulator. We ran the Robot Zone which I really enjoyed. There was a cage of flying drones, as well as a dancing robot – it was great to see the kids really enjoying it!
"It’s so busy that time flies by pretty fast and it was really satisfying when, at the end of the day, an alumnus came up to me to tell me he had had a good day and said “All the volunteers are wonderful”.
I would encourage everyone to give it a go."
Third year undergraduate, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
"I’d love to be able to get involved in the Festival again – I’ve been involved a couple of times since it began in 2012. On a normal day, Imperial is full of people focussed on their science work here, so it’s great to suddenly have a day or two with the campus full of people who are simply interested in finding out what we do, whether they are curious passers-by or alumni who studied here many years ago.
"In my first year, 2012, I represented the society e.quinox and last year I helped to staff, set up and pack down the Dance tent on the Saturday. The Dance tent shows off the non-science side to Imperial; the Belly Dancing Society performed as well as a local children’s dance group. It was great to see many parents bringing along their children, for whom the whole experience is just 'wow'."
Projects Planning Manager, Capital Projects and Planning Division
"2014 was the first time I got involved in the Festival in a big way; and it was good fun.
"In my day job, I’m Projects Planning Manager in the Capital Projects and Planning Division and I got involved in the Festival after joining the Event Makers scheme.
"I helped to meet and greet at the launch on the Friday evening; working alongside academics was great as I don’t get to meet many academics in my day job. On the Saturday I met some really interesting alumni on the three tour groups I took up the Queen’s Tower.
"The organisation of the Festival was quite impressive and the volunteers were well looked after with refreshments and a free lunch. I always say – the more you put in the more you get out!"
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Henry Rothery
Communications and Public Affairs

Contact details
Email: press.office@imperial.ac.uk
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