Festival to open with a fanfare from The Band of The Household Cavalry


Drum Horse of The Band of The Household Cavalry

The 2015 Imperial Festival will be officially launched by west London neighbours, the Household Cavalry.

The Mounted Trumpeters and Drum Horse of The Band of The Household Cavalry will head to the College from Knightsbridge Barracks, getting the Festival off to a glorious start at midday tomorrow (Saturday, 9 May) on Imperial College Road.

They will be joined by The Band of The Household Cavalry who will continue the pomp with a twenty minute marching display.

The Band of The Household Cavalry was formed in September 2014 with the union of The Band of The Life Guards and The Band of The Blues and Royals, the two mounted bands of the British Army. Each can trace its history back over 300 years.

The Imperial Festival is a weekend-long celebration of science and the arts featuring exhibitions, demonstrations and talks on Imperial’s cutting edge research. This year there will be special zones dedicated to robots, the brain, superbugs and light, as well as performances from a cappella groups, a string ensemble and award-winning Bhangra dancers. 

The Festival will be open 12:00 until 18:00 on Saturday, 9 May and 12:00 until 17:00 on Sunday, 10 May. It is free and suitable for all ages.


Kerry Noble

Kerry Noble
Department of Surgery & Cancer

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