Imperial News

Positive feedback

by Emma Rainbow

We are delighted to announce that three of our staff have won awards for their excellent contributions to teaching and the student experience.

Each year Imperial College staff are chosen to receive President’s Awards for Excellence for their outstanding contributions to teaching, pastoral care, research supervision and supporting the student experience. Nominations are received from staff and students across the College, and winners are decided by a selection panel chaired by Vice Provost (Education).

Electrical and Electronic Engineering’s head of department, Professor Peter Cheung has won the President’s award for excellence in supporting the student experience.

Dr David Thomas who is director of our Electronic and Information Engineering degree course has been selected to receive the President’s award for excellence in teaching.

In addition, the Imperial College Union have named Dr Paul Mitcheson winner of Best Feedback in their annual Student Academic Choice Awards. These awards encourage all students to vote and celebrate the best in teaching and support at Imperial, across all faculties and campuses.

The Best Feedback category recognises constructive commentary, accessibility of staff members to explain or expand upon feedback and timely return of assessed coursework.

Paul is a senior lecturer in the Control and Power research group, and third year course organiser. In their nomination, students stated that ‘His dedication to feedback goes beyond his fast turnaround for report grading. Having set up three hours of labs a week, which is not set out by the department, he allows you to ask questions and ask for personal feedback on either past or current exercises.’

Paul says 'We have restructured the third year of the course to accommodate industrial placements and to introduce more practical engineering via all-coursework lab-based courses to further enable students to develop a passion for applying theory to real engineering problems. This method of teaching relies on high quality and timely feedback - and it is rewarding to see the students highlighting the work of myself and colleagues in achieving this goal.'

Paul was awarded one of the President and Rector’s Awards for Excellence in Teaching last year, which acknowledges outstanding teaching quality, organisation and presentation.

Cheers! Twenty-six members of our department received nominations from students.

In recognition of their nominations, the Union sent special commemorative mugs to each nominee in all categories.

A further 26 staff in the Department received mugs: Dr David Angeli, Mr Vic Boddy, Dr Christos-Savvas Bouganis, Mr Mike Brookes, Dr Balarko Chaudhuri, Professor Peter Cheung, Dr Tim Constandinou, Professor Pier Luigi Dragotti, Mr Aurelio De Sousa Ferreira, Mrs Clare Drysdale, Dr Zahid Durrani, Dr Simos Evangelou, Dr Kristel Fobelets, Ms Kay Hancox, Mr Paul Judge, Dr Eric Kerrigan, Dr Song Luan, Professor Athanassios Manikas, Dr Daniel Nucinkis, Professor Bikash Pal, Dr Christos Papavassiliou, Dr Esther Perea, Dr Oleksiy Sydoruk, Dr David Thomas, Professor Christofer Toumazou and Dr Steven Wright.

We send our congratulations to all of staff who have been recognised for their excellent contributions.