Nepal earthquakes: the London restaurants key to the relief effort


Nepal earthquakes: the London restaurants key to the relief effort

It is a melancholy thought that one does not often discover where an expat community mainly lives until there is a disaster in the original country. London's Little Nepal is Plumstead, in the south-east of the capital, but Ojesh Singh, 34, Tribeni Gurung, 24, and Sachetan Tuladhar, 48, who are part of the earthquake relief group Pasa Puchah Guthi, meet in the Nepalese Tandoori restaurant on Uxbridge Road in Shepherd's Bush, west London...  Tuladhar [Physics] is a research scientist in the physics department at Imperial College London, and has a gift for seeing things in the best possible light. 'We were lucky that it hit on Saturday, because not everybody was in an office, the schools were closed. We were lucky that it didn't happen at night, when everyone would have been inside. It's amazing how good the communications are. Facebook always works. We can find out exactly what people need,' he says."



Caroline Jackson

Caroline Jackson
Department of Physics

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