Imperial News

SCI, part of the 20th anniversary celebrations of Queen's Anniversary Prizes

by Mrs Alexandra Grainger

SCI chosen as the subject of a celebratory film made for the Queen, highlighting the achievements of SCI before and after receiving the award.

In 2007, Sir Leszek Borysiewicz then Principal of the Faculty of Medicine at Imperial College and currently the 345th Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cambridge, and Sir Richard Sykes, then Rector at Imperial College, asked Alan Fenwick to prepare a submission to the Queens Anniversary Trust as an entry for the 2008 round of Prizes. SCI's entry was awarded one of the 20 prizes and as a result Alan and Sir Richard received a medal and a citation from Her Majesty the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh, a table for 10 at a dinner at the Guildhall and 10 people (5 faculty and 5 students) visited Buckingham Palace for the awards ceremony on 14th February 2008. Of those Fiona Fleming, Lynsey Blair and Michael French are still with SCI.

To mark the completion of ten biennial rounds of The Queen’s Anniversary Prizes for Higher and Further Education (1994-2014) the Royal Anniversary Trust commissioned and published a book documenting the prestige and impact of the Prizes scheme. The book includes ten chapters highlighting ten outstanding prize winners. To read the chapter on SCI click here.

With the book near completion, Peter Chenery, Chief Executive of the Royal Anniversary Trust, asked whether SCI would agree to be the subject of a short film highlighting the achievements on SCI before and after the award. Director Louis Paltnoi visited SCI and filmed Alan and the staff, but also went to Uganda to see SCI working in the field with the Ministries of Health and Education. We are proud to show the resulting film which we hope you will enjoy - click here.

“The Queen’s personal interest in the quality, purpose and practical effect of the work being done by universities and colleges, shared throughout these first 20 years of the scheme by HRH The Duke of Edinburgh, has revealed and directly encouraged the benefits of this work, both for welfare of people in the UK – and in the Commonwealth and beyond – and for the nation’s general prosperity and social progress.” Kieran Poynter – Chairman, The Royal Anniversary Trust

Professor Alan Fenwick, SCI's Director, would like to acknowledge all the SCI staff and the donors who have made this work and the delivery of over 100 million treatments possible.