Chem Eng says goodbye to the 2011 entry


Chemical Engineering Final Year MEng students

Congratulations to all our final year students on finishing their last exams

Final year MEng students have now finished all their exams and to celebrate the occasion the Department organised a Champagne Party to see them off. As is now tradition the students attend their final exam dressed in fancy dress before a group photo on the steps of Queen’s Tower and the party in the Departmental common room.

Final year Chemical Engineering MEng students

As we bid farewell to this excellent crop of students we celebrate not just their excellent costumes (see pictures), but their outstanding contributions to the success of our Department.

Final year Chemical Engineering MEng students

Many congratulations and thank you class of 2015!

Final year Chemical Engineering MEng students  Final year Chemical Engineering MEng students

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Michael Panagopulos

Michael Panagopulos
Department of Chemical Engineering

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