Imperial News

CPSE's 25th Anniversary

by Senait Selassie

On 4th and 5th December, CPSE celebrated 25 years with the Centre's founding Director Professor Roger Sargent.

The Centre for Process Systems Engineering was inaugurated in August 1989 and has since been an innovative research Centre. On 4th and 5th December, we celebrated 25 years with the Centre’s founding Director Professor Roger Sargent. When CPSE was established with an EPSRC grant, over a hundred Centres were created at the same time. Out of these, only two Centres have remained: CPSE being one and the other Southampton University Optoelectronics Research Centre. CPSE has faced many challenges and yet continues to be a Centre of Excellence because of the hard work and dedication of its academics, researchers and students. It was fitting therefore to celebrate 25 years of distinction in the Centre’s subtle fashion. There were many events, which included Student Poster Presentations, Roger Sargent Lecture, Consortium Meeting and Dinner.