Imperial News

Conference on Energetic Materials

by Ciara Mulholland

The ISP is involved in an Erasmus+ programme 'Greener and Safer Energetic and Ballistic Systems' led by Prof. Traian Rotariu (MTA) in Bucharest.

ERASMUS+ GSEBS - Conference on Energetic Materials

Dr William G Proud

The Institute of Shock Physics is involved in an Erasmus+ programme ‘Greener and Safer Energetic and Ballistic Systems’ which is led by Prof. Traian Rotariu of the Military Technical Academy (MTA) in Bucharest. As well as MTA, other partners are École Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées (ENSTA) Bretagne in Brest France and the Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal. A website has been set up – – to announce the activities of this consortia including workshops, conferences and meetings.

The first conference happened from May 22-23 2015 in Bucharest, Romania, ‘GSEBS 2015’ on this theme 'Greener and Safer Energetic and Ballistic Systems' . Please visit the website to find out more.

There was also a week-long workshop associated with the conference addressing subjects such as explosives and blast modelling etc, which was aimed at educating those who are relatively new to the field of explosives and refreshing knowledge for those who have been in the field for some time. If you should wish to attend future workshops and you are based in the UK, please approach Bill Proud ( for details. A limited number of places are generally available for non-students. If you are based outside the UK, please contact the organisers via