Licence to Thrill: Imperial students celebrate at the Union Summer Ball


Students celebrate at the Summer Ball

Imperial students and staff celebrated the end of term in style on Saturday at this year's Imperial College Union Summer Ball.

The Summer Ball, which this year took on a 007 theme, saw activities ranging from a funfair to a silent disco taking over Imperial’s South Kensington Campus.

This year’s ball was the largest yet with over 1,500 guests enjoying the attractions as well as the musical acts including this year’s headliner, MOBO Award winning rapper Professor Green.

The evening ended with a bang as the annual firework display lit up the skies over South Kensington before guests moved on to Imperial College Union’s afterparty. Here the party continued on until the early hours when the ‘Survivor’s Photo’ captured the last of the action as the sun began to rise.

See some of the event's highlights below.



Jon Narcross

Jon Narcross
Communications and Public Affairs

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