Imperial News

DoC Students do well in Data Science Game 2015

by Royston Ingram

A Data Science Institute sponsored team of Imperial students took an impressive fifth place at the Data Science Game 2015.

A Data Science Institute (// sponsored team of Imperial students took an impressive fifth place at the Data Science Game 2015 (

Competing with teams from across the world, Patrick Glauner, Casper da Costa-Luis, Jamie McMillan and Vlad Lancu from the departments of Computing and Physics represented Imperial College at this year’s edition of the Data Science Game in Paris. Amongst the fierce competition by teams of MSc students selected from all over the world, Imperial’s team the “Designtaed Neurons” came in a strong fifth.

In this year’s edition, the challenge set out by the organisers and sponsors entailed classifying Youtube videos according to their description. Given limited data (a brief description) the teams had to clean the data and use machine learning methods to classify the videos correctly. The winning team from Moscow State University achieved an accuracy of 75% while the “Designated Neurons” came very close with an accuracy of 73.5%.

Congratulations guys and thank you for representing Imperial.