Imperial News

Launch of 3rd Progress Report on The London Declaration on NTDs

by Mrs Alexandra Grainger

Uniting to Combat NTDs launched the 3rd Progress Report of the London Declaration on neglected tropical diseases at the Natural History Museum London.

Three years ago, the global community convened in London to hold an international meeting on Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs). The event galvanized major committments from a diverse set of partners to eliminate or control 10 NTDs by 2020: a collective commitment now known as The London Declaration.

Uniting to Combat NTDs hosted a webcast from the Natural History Museum in London to launch the third progress report of tThe London Declaration on neglected tropical diseases on Thursday 25 June 2015. 
The webcast, chaired by Dr Julie Jacobson of Uniting to Combat NTDs and moderated by Jon Snow (Channel 4 news), featured a panel of speakers including:  

  • Dr. Kesete-birhan Admasu, Minister of Health, Ethiopia (via video)
  • Rt. Hon. Desmond Swayne, Minister of State, DFID
  • Dr. Winnie Mpanju-Shumbusho, Assistant Director-General, WHO
  • Mr. Andy Wright, Vice-President, Global Health Programmes, GSK
  • Mr. Joe Cerrell, Managing Director for Global Policy and Advocacy, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

The report, Country Leadership and Collaboration on Neglected Tropical Diseases, shows strong endemic country leadership and calls on partners to scale up efforts in order to reach World Health Organization targets. 

To read the full report click here