Imperial News

Business challenges caused by climate change to be tackled in new Masters course

by Laura Singleton

Future business leaders will be equipped with the skills to tackle the business challenges caused by climate change, through a new Masters course.

The MSc in Climate Change, Management & Finance has been developed by Imperial College Business School and the Grantham Institute. It aims to open the doors to a wide range of careers, in areas including carbon finance, risk management, sustainability consulting, the energy industry, Government and green technology.

Professor G. 'Anand' Anandalingam, Dean of Imperial College Business School said: “Businesses are increasingly concerned about the practical challenges posed by a changing climate, as well as the need to reduce their carbon footprint and develop more sustainable ways of operating.

"Climate change is a global threat and businesses need to respond to that, but moving to a low-carbon economy also creates opportunities – developing green technologies, for example. Graduates from our new Masters course will be the kind of people that businesses need to manage climate change-related challenges and make the most of the opportunities.”

Taught by leading experts from Imperial College Business School and the Grantham Institute, the programme will address the key climate change-related issues facing businesses across areas including strategic planning, operations, marketing, accounting and finance.

Students will learn about the role of innovation and technology in addressing climate change and gain an insight into the scientific and political concerns that underpin international agreements on carbon reduction targets. Other areas covered include risk management and the numerical tools used in climate science and business such as environmental forecasting, energy systems, economics and finance.

The programme will also feature a number of evening guest lectures delivered by leading figures from the world of business and climate change.

“At the end of the programme students will be equipped with a strong understanding of mainstream business and finance, together with climate change and sustainability."

– Dr Mirabelle Muûls

Lecturer at the Grantham Institute and Programme Director of the MSc Climate Change, Management & Finance

Dr Mirabelle Muûls, Lecturer at the Grantham Institute and Programme Director of the MSc Climate Change, Management & Finance said: “With the climate change expertise of the Grantham Institute, and the sustainable business expertise of Imperial College Business School, Imperial is uniquely placed to offer this MSc, and students will benefit from the interdisciplinary approach and from the College’s links to government and industry.

She added: “At the end of the programme students will be equipped with a strong understanding of mainstream business and finance, together with climate change and sustainability. The knowledge and skills that they will gain in these two areas will mean graduates from the programme can expect to enter a wide range of careers.”

The year-long programme is aimed at recent graduates with a background in science, engineering, finance, economics or mathematics who are seeking a career within business, climate change or sustainability. It is also suitable for professionals seeking a career change.

To register interest visit the Imperial College Business School website