Imperial News

Chemical Engineering PhD Symposium 2015

by Michael Panagopulos

Chemical Engineering PhD students presented their work in our annual PhD symposium. As ever, the quality of research on display was incredibly high.

Thank you to all the participants of the highly successful 2015 Chemical Engineering PhD Symposium, held on Monday 29th June. This annual symposium provides PhD students with the opportunity to present their work with both oral and poster presentations. In addition to participants from the Department and the College, representatives from industry were also invited to attend the symposium in order to have the opportunity to engage with PhD students and to find out about some of the latest research outputs from the Department.

Programme and presentation schedule

Chem Eng PhD symposium

The opening lecture of the PhD symposium was also the final Seminar in our 2015 Distinguished Seminar Series and was be given by Professor Sreenivas Jayanti, from ITT Madras. His talk was entitled ‘Shape Optimization of Fluid Flow Ducting Using a Shape Function, a Search Method and CFD: Some Early Results’ (abstract and bio).

Professor Sreenivas Jayanti, IIT Madras, invited Distinguished Seminar Speaker

Twelve PhD students were invited to give oral presentations throughout the day and these were complemented by 21 poster presentations during a dedicated poster session for which the poster presenters were asked to prepare a 2-minute elevator-pitch (full programme including abstracts). Prizes were available for both oral and poster presentations. Two sets of prizes were awarded for each, one decided by student vote and the second by a panel of judges.

Many congratulations to all the prize winners:

Oral presentation prizes:

Academic and industrial panel: Adam Hawkes, Roberto Rinaldi, Sreenivas Jayanti (Professor at IIT Madras and invited Distinguished Seminar Speaker), Leslie Bolton (Advisor, Reaction Engineering, BP):

1st prize: Harkamaljot Kandail

2nd prize: María Fuentes Garí

3rd prize: Andrew Ewing

Student vote:

1st prize: Andreas Nikolaou

2nd prize: Giulia Ferretti

3rd prize: María Fuentes Garí

Harkamaljot Kandail

Harkamaljot Kandail, winner of the judges' prize for best oral presentation


Poster prizes:

Poster judges: Cleo Kontoravdi, Ronny Pini, Michael Panagopulos, John Underwood

Poster prize: Christine Seifried (as part of this prize Christine Seifried was also awarded a place at the upcoming Imperial College Graduate School Research Symposium as the sole representative from Chemical Engineering)

Runners up: Clementine Chambon and Roberto Ibarra Hernandez

Student vote:

Poster prize: Christine Seifried

Runner-up: Manuela Nania

Christine Seifried

Christine Seifried, winner of both of the poster prizes


The standard of the presentations was extremely high throughout and we would like to thank all of the participants for their contributions to this highly successful event.

Slideshow of photos from the day:

Visit our PhD Symposium page for further information.