Imperial News

Prof Alan Fenwick awarded the Sir Rickard Christophers Medal by RSTMH

by Mrs Alexandra Grainger

It is with great honour that Professor Alan Fenwick, SCI’s Director, accepts this award in 2015.

The Sir Rickard Christophers Medal is awarded by the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene triennially for work in tropical medicine and hygiene in its broadest sense and in particular for practical and field applications.  

It is with great honour that Professor Alan Fenwick, SCI’s Director, accepts this award in 2015. 

Sir Rickard Christophers died in 1978, aged 104, after a lifetime spent in the relentless and inspired pursuit of knowledge. From 1898, when he was appointed member of the Malaria Commission of the Royal Society, through the next period of 30 years in India and the following 30 years of work in London and Cambridge, Sir Rickard's contribution to many branches of medical and other sciences was immense. The impact of his studies on malariology and entomology was deep and lasting; his fundamental investigations of the pathology, immunology, epidemiology and control of insect-borne diseases made him a true "compleat scientist" of our age.

The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene decided to commemorate the life and achievements of Sir Rickard by endowing a medal.

The medal, which is in bronze, bears the likeness of Sir Rickard on the obverse and on the reverse bears a geographical representation of the tropics with the Society's motto "Zonae torridae tutamen".

The Sir Rickard Christophers Medal was last awarded in 2012 to Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellow Professor Mike English.