Imperial News

July 2015 ESE newsletter

by Amelia Davies

A Summer of Outreach: over 100 students visit ESE in June and July


Conferences, Lectures and Seminars
Research Activity


Ashton, J.A., Blakeman, R.J., Geraghty, J.F., Beach, A., Coller, D., Philcox, M.E., Boyce, A.J. and Wilkinson, J.J., 2015, The Giant Navan Carbonate-Hosted Zn-Pb Deposit - A Review. In: Current Perspectives on Zinc Deposits (Ed. S. M. Archibald and S. J. Piercey), Irish Association for Economic Geology, Dublin, 85-122. 

Bastow I.D., Julia J., do Nascimento A.F., Fuck R.A., Bukthorp T.L., McClellan J.J.. (2015). Upper mantle anisotropy of the Borborema Province, NE Brazil: Implications for intra-plate deformation and sub-cratonic asthenospheric flow, Tectonophysics, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2015.06.024,

Benson, S., Pini, R., Krevor, S., Reynolds, C., Niu, Ben, Calvo, ,R., Niemi, A., (2015). Relative permeability for multi-phase flow in CO2 storage reservoirs. Part II: resolving fundamental issues and filling data gaps. Global CCS Institute Research Report. 

Brownscombe, W., Ihlenfeld, C., Coppard, J., Hartshorne, C., Klatt, S., Siikaluoma, J.K., Herrington, R.J., (2015). The Sakatti Cu-Ni-PGE Sulfide Deposit in Northern Finland. In: Maier, W.D., Lahtinen, R.,  O’Brien, H., eds. Mineral Deposits of Finland.Elsevier, Oxford, 211-252. ISBN: 978-0-12-410438-9

Dean, C. D., Sutton, M. D., Siveter, D. J., Siveter, D. J. (2015). A novel respiratory architecture in the Silurian mollusc Acaenoplax. Palaeontology. doi: 10.1111/pala.12181

Lai, P., Moulton, K., Krevor, S. (2015). Pore-scale heterogeneity in the mineral distribution and reactive surface area of porous rocks. Chemical Geology. DOI:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2015.07.010

Lang, P.S., Paluszny, A., Zimmerman, R.W. (2015). Hydraulic sealing due to pressure solution contact zone growth in siliciclastic rock fractures. Journal of Geophysical Research. DOI:10.1002/2015JB011968

Nejati, M., Paluszny, A., Zimmerman, R.W. (2015). On the use of quarter-point tetrahedral finite elements in linear elastic fracture mechanics, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 144,194–221.

Nejati, M., Paluszny, A., Zimmerman, R.W. (2015). A disk-shaped domain integral method for the computation of stress intensity factors using tetrahedral meshes. International Journal of Solids and Structures. doi:10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2015.05.026  

V. Duboviks, M. Lomberg, R.C. Maher, L.F. Cohen, N.P. Brandon, G.J. Offer (2015). Carbon deposition behavior in metal-infiltrated gadolinia doped ceria electrodes for simulated biogas upgrading in solid oxide electrolysis cells. Journal of Power Sources DOI:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2015.06.003 

In a side note, congratulations to Marina and Vlad (the first two authours of this publication) who would like to announce that they are getting married on the 15th of September in Cyprus.

Spencer, E.T., Wilkinson, J.J., Nolan, J., and Berry, A.J., (2015). The controls of post-entrapment diffusion on the solubility of chalcopyrite daughter crystals in natural quartz-hosted fluid inclusions. Chemical Geology. doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2015.07.005

Quye-Sawyer, J., Vandeginste, V., Johnston, K.J., (2015). Application of handheld energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry to carbonate studies: opportunities and challenges. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 30, 1490-1499. DOI: 10.1039/c5ja00114e

Conferences, Lectures and Seminars

Simon Kocher and Jamie Wilkinson from the LODE group attended the 23rd biennial ECROFI conference (European Current Research on Fluid Inclusions) at the University of Leeds, 27-30 June. Simon presented a talk on his PhD research entitled "Identification of daughter crystals in polyphase fluid inclusions: Implications for fluid chemistry at the Bingham Canyon porphyry deposit, Utah" which showed some startling high resolution SEM images obtained using the NHM's new FEI Quanta high resolution SEM (see image attached). Jamie presented results on the presence of unusual hydrosilicate liquids - intermediates between silicate melts and aqueous solutions - in magmatic-hydrothermal ore systems. The conference was followed by a field trip to the North Pennine Pb-Zn-fluorite mining district.

Secondary electron image of halite cube approximately ~1 μm across with an adhering chalcopyrite crystal that was trapped within a fluid inclusion hosted in quartz from Bingham Canyon, Utah.

Members and affiliates of the Carbonate Group attended Bathurst 2015 carbonate conference Edinburgh 13-16 July. PhD student Amelia Davies presented a talk “The clumped isotopic composition of a modern tropical shell assemblage: implications for deep time temperature and δ18O seawater reconstructions”. Posters were presented by Cedric John, Veerle Vandeginste, Peter Fitch, Julia Beckert, Jennifer Quye-Sawyer, and Helen Lacey. Sunshine Abbott was highly commended for her poster on “Quantifying the geometries of interwell-scale evaporite-carbonate cycles is important in improving our understanding of sedimentological heterogeneity in anhydrite caprock”.


Vamsi Ganti has been awarded the Luna B. Leopold young scientist award by the Earth and Planetary Surface Processes group of the American Geophysical Union (AGU). He will be giving the Robert P. Sharp capstone lecture at AGU Fall meeting 2015 in San Francisco (December). 

Adrian Muxworthy and Morten Riishuus (University of Iceland) were awarded a NERC Isotope Geosciences Facilities grant to conduct Ar/Ar dating at SUERC on Tertiary basalts from Iceland. 

Simon Kocher was awarded US$4100 from the Society of Economic Geologists for his research on the distribution of Mo at Bingham Canyon Mine, Utah.

The Imperial College Student Chapter of the Society of Economic Geologists was awarded US$1500 from the Stewart R. Wallace Student Chapter Fund to support their activities.

Sam Krevor has been awarded £24,000 from the UK CCS Research Centre for two projects.The first award was in support of core analysis and participation in the Carbon Management Canada Field Research CO2 injection test project. The second is in support of the organisation of a technical specialists symposium on subsurface fluid flow in application to CO2 storage, to take place at Imperial College on October 29 and 30th in collaboration with the Qatar Carbonates and Carbon Storage Research Centre. For further information click here. 

Trevor Almeida has been awarded £1190 from the Arthur Holmes Centenary Research Grant to attend the 2015 AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco, where he will be giving an invited talk. 

Postdoc Reps Janice Kenney and Carl Jacquemyn were nominated for the first PDC Reps Award. Many congratulations to them on their nomination in recognition of the work they have carried out in the department. 


It has been a busy month in the department for outreach with 80 sixth formers visiting as part of the Headstart Summer School and Earth Sciences “Taster Day”. The students enjoyed learning about a variety of topics including mineral processing and planning a mission to explore various planets. Many thanks to Pablo Brito-Parada, Mitch D’Arcy, Rob Lowther Craig Magee and Jenn Le Blond for giving talks and all their hard work. On 22 July the department was visited by 30 girls aged 11-14 as part of the Engineering Summer School organized by Jenna Stevens Smith The girls spent an afternoon panning for gold with Rob Lowther and simulating glacier flow with slime. We have also hosted 20 year 10's from the Insights summer school arranged by Tom Tate. 

Over the summer Lizzie Day and colleagues are compiling the outreach report, so if you have been involved in any outreach work this year (visits to schools, geological societies etc.) then please drop Lizzie an email with the details ( so your work can be included. 

Research activity

Christopher Dean attended the Fossilworks Intensive Workshop in Analytical Palaeobiology at Macquarie University in Sydney from the 18 June - 12 July. 

Trevor Almeida spent two weeks at the Ernst Ruska Centre for Microscopy and Spectroscopy with Electrons in Jülich, Germany, where he performed multiple tilt series using electron holography for the 3D reconstruction of nano-scale magnetic domain states.


PhD student Alistair Boyce is currently in Quebec helping to uninstall the QM-III network of broadband seismometers.