Lisa Cheung crowned Queen at Village Fete


Lisa Cheung

Lisa Cheung crowned Queen at the Village Fete

Lisa Cheung from our CDT in Physics is crowned Queen of this year’s Village Fete.

This year’s Village Fete was well attended with everyone mingling and enjoying the live band, Morris dancers, opera singers and games. The catering was choice with a hog roast, artisan home made ice cream, Pimms and all the other favourites including fish and chips. There was also a karaoke chance to sing for those who were talented and brave enough!
Our very own Lisa Cheung from Physics CDT was crowned Queen of the Village fete, a well deserved choice. A delighted Lisa carried out her royal duties which included prize giving with great aplomb.

“It was great to be crowned queen for the afternoon. It meant a lot to me that my colleagues thought I did such a good job that they made the effort to nominate me. Its always nice to know that your work is appreciated. The afternoon was great, I got to walk around and meet lost of people, as well as give out prizes for great costumes and to people who were really getting into the summer fete spirit. I had a really great time.”

And we all had a memorable time in the intermittent sunshine, thank you to all of the organisers! 



Caroline Jackson

Caroline Jackson
Department of Physics

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