Farewell Professor Bradley


Professor Donal Bradley

We say farewell and good luck to Professor Donal Bradley

Professor Donal Bradley, CBE, FRS leaves College at the end of August this year.  He has a long association with the College.  Donal graduated with a first class BSc and ARCS in Physics at Imperial College, in 1983, receiving the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce Silver Medal and Fellowship (FRSA) as an outstanding graduate of the Royal College of Science. He then went on to do his PhD at Cambridge and after various, prestigious academic roles, returned to his Alma Mater in 2000 as the Professor of Experimental Solid State Physics to lead a new strategic initiative on molecular electronic materials and has served as Head of the Experimental Solid State Physics Group (2001-­04, 2005) and a Director of Imperial College London Consultants Ltd (2005-6).   He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society (FRS) in 2004, a Fellow of the Institute of Physics (FInstP) in 2005 and Fellow of the Institute of Engineering and Technology (FIET) in 2013. He was appointed Head of the Physics department in 2005 and became Lee-­Lucas Professor in 2006.
Promotion to Deputy Principal of the Faculty of Natural  Sciences followed in 2008 and in 2009 he was appointed as the first Director of the newly established Imperial College London Centre for Plastic Electronics, one of five UK National Centres of Excellence in the Plastic Electronics sector.  Donal was awarded a CBE in the 2010 New Year’s Honours for services to science. In October 2011, he was appointed Pro-­Rector (Research), chairing the College's Research Committee and joining the College Management Board. From 1st August 2013, following a reorganisation of the College management structures Donal became the first Vice-­Provost (Research), joining the Provost's Board. Donal leaves us to take up a post 1st September 2015 Head of the Division of Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences, University of Oxford.

We wish him well in his new role.




Caroline Jackson

Caroline Jackson
Department of Physics

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