Team working course


Students of the 1st cohort of the TSM-CDT participate in a pioneering new course on team-working

The first cohort of the TSM-CDT took part in a ground-breaking new course on team-working with the CDTs on Advanced Metallic Systems at Sheffield and Manchester and on Medical Devices at Strathclyde. Working closely with the course director Piero Vitelli for several months before the course was delivered in June 2011, CDT students had a strong influence on the course content. A key aspect of the course was the engagement with Bloodhound SSC ( through their engineer Dan Johns. Working with Dan, and an outstanding team of 4 course tutors, students produced presentations and videos to promote the Bloodhound project to 4 interest groups.  Students describe their views on the course in the video.


Lucy Stagg

Lucy Stagg
Faculty of Natural Sciences

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