Hermes Summer School attracts sponsor


The Hermes 2012 summer school, lead by a group of students from the TSM-CDT, has been backed by a five-figure grant from principal sponsor Unilever.

In 2012, London will play host to a unique four-day summer school for the world's leading materials modelling Ph.D. students. This student-led event, held during the Olympic Games, focuses on two important issues: bringing together people and ideas from across different length scales; and communicating science to the general public. The participants will present their research, attend master classes given by internationally renowned academics, and develop their ability to communicate science. The invited speakers at the event will include Professor Craig Carter from MIT, who will be presenting multiscale modelling techniques for electrode materials used in next generation batteries, as well as Professor Chris Pickard from UCL, renowned for his pioneering contributions to the DFT package CASTEP.

The event takes place on 27 July-30 July 2012 at Cumberland Lodge (a former RoyalPalace located in Windsor Great Park, Greater London). Applications are now open, with a reduced rate if you register early. For more information about the event visit


Lucy Stagg

Lucy Stagg
Faculty of Natural Sciences

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