The Department extends our congratulations to all the students from the Chemical Engineering Class of 2015 as they celebrate their graduation!
On behalf of the academics and support staff at the Department of Chemical Engineering we would like to extend our warmest congratulations to the Class of 2015 on their graduation. President Alice Gast offered sage advice to the 2,200 graduating students assembled in the Royal Albert Hall, encouraging them to seek the most valuable application of their talent whenever possible and urged them to: “Believe in your capabilities and use your talents for the benefit of society”.
Congratulations also to Professor Dame Julia Higgins, Emeritus Professor at the Department, who received an Honorary Degree of Doctor of Science for her outstanding contributions to Chemical Engineering. Discover more about Professor Higgins as she reflects on her illustrious career in an interview with the student newspaper Felix.
After the official ceremonies had ended, professors, tutors and parents all gathered in the Department's Design Rooms for a champagne reception. Professor Andrew Livingston, Head of Department, addressed the graduates as they celebrated, offering his encouragement and best wishes going forward. A prize distribution ceremony for the students who had shown exceptional academic performance followed (a list of the prize winners can be found below).
Congratulations once again to the Class of 2015, we would like to wish you great success for the future and would love if you stay in touch with us and the Imperial College Chem Eng community by signing up to the Chem Eng Newsletter or joining our LinkedIn Group. For more photos from the champagne recepeption visit our Facebook page or Flickr album.
The video of the full graduation ceremony can be found below:
The prize winners for the Class of 2015:
- Governors’ Prize in Chemical Engineering - Awarded to Ziguang Eng for greatest merit in the final examinations in Chemical Engineering.
- Institution of Chemical Engineers Books Prize - Awarded in the form of books published by the Institution to the Benjamin Chen, for the most deserving performance in first year studies.
- DOW Chemicals Prize - Awarded to Yuta Kono and Kezheng Zhu, for their performance in first year studies.
- Procter and Gamble Prize - Awarded to Sarah Quek for the best overall performance in Part II of the MEng course in Chemical Engineering.
- BP Chemicals Prize in Chemical Engineering - Awarded to Marcus Bishop for the best overall performance in Part III of the MEng course in Chemical Engineering.
- Hinchley Medal - Awarded by the Institution of Chemical Engineers to Nwachukwu Uzo for greatest merit in the final examinations in Chemical Engineering.
- William Peck Book Prize - Awarded Frederick Tan for proficiency in the final examinations in Chemical Engineering and in the design project.
- Ken Weale Memorial Prize - Awarded to Liam Bale for the greatest merit on the course "Chemical Engineering with a Year Abroad", who has spent a year studying Chemical Engineering in a non-English-speaking country.
- Katrina Jacks Memorial Prize - Awarded to Sarah Liau for high merit in the 4thyear.
- Shell Prize - Awarded to Tom Lindeboom and Ashley Ng Ding Wen for outstanding performances on the industrial Link Project.
- Henry Sawistowski Travel Fellowship - Awarded to Lejon Chua and Nwachukwu Uzo for an outstanding performance on the Link/Research Project.
- Roger Sargent Prize - Awarded to Kai Xing Loy and Arnold Ng for work in the application of computers to the solution of Chemical Engineering problems.
- Loveless Book Prize - Awarded to Lauren Kershaw for outstanding work in the Humanities or Social Studies.
- Lonza Prize - Awarded Sarah Tan for outstanding performance on a pharmaceutical related final year design project or biopharmaceutical related final year research project.
- Chemical Engineering Student Centenary Prize - Awarded Yash Dongre for achieving the greatest merit in project work in the final year of the MEng in Chemical Engineering.
- City and Guilds Gold Medal for Excellence - Awarded to Nwachukwu Uzo for exceptional standards in a City & Guilds qualification.
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Mikhail Menezes
Department of Chemical Engineering

Contact details
Email: press.office@imperial.ac.uk
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Michael Panagopulos
Department of Chemical Engineering

Contact details
Email: press.office@imperial.ac.uk
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