Imperial News

UK must give clearer welcome to India's best students, urges President Gast

by Andrew Scheuber

Alice Gast has written to the Times about the benefits of Indian students at leading UK universities.

Professor Gast’s letter is published as Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrives for his first visit to Britain. 

When Indian students come to our world-class universities, something special happens

– Professor Alice Gast


Writing in the Times, Professor Gast said: “The UK must think carefully about the messages it sends to India’s next generation or its relationship — and influence — with the world’s largest democracy will wane.

“When Indian students come to our world-class universities, something special happens: academic, creative and entrepreneurial excellence synthesise. For example, one Imperial College student, Malav Sanghavi, developed a low-cost baby incubator that could help to save millions of lives. Last week the Duke of York singled-out Malav’s invention as one of the UK’s most exciting start-up ideas.

"When I meet students in India, I am concerned that they will not follow in Malav’s footsteps. They see the UK as less open to Indian entrepreneurship and new ideas than the US. They read about visa restrictions, but are less aware of initiatives such as the tier 1 graduate entrepreneur visa. They worry that they will not receive the welcome that generations of brilliant Indians have enjoyed at UK universities.

“Although the number of Indian students remains steady at Imperial, there has been a sharp fall at other UK institutions, and many Indian families now turn to our US rivals.

“As Mr Cameron forges stronger ties during Mr Modi’s visit, he must make it clear that our universities welcome India’s best and brightest.”