IAPS visit a success



International Association of Physics Students (IAPS) visit the Plasma Physics Group.

On 30 September 2015 the Plasma Physics Group had a Fusion-related visit from the International Association of Physics Students (IAPS). They came for a one day visit which the programme included lecture and tours of our laboratories.

The visit was coordinated partly by two Imperial Undergraduate Students together with Francisco Suzuki Vidal.


The report written by Francesco Sciortino on the visit by the IAPS stated:

'As the weather was fantastic for the entire week, on September 30th we crossed Hyde Park by foot and visited the large museums in South Kensington for 2 hours. Afterwards, we had lunch on the Imperial College campus, at the Senior Common Room. At 13:00, we moved to the Imperial College Physics Department. There, we were welcomed by several members of the Plasma Physics Group and had an introduction to the research activities by Prof. Smith (Head of Plasma Physics). Dr. Suzuki-Vidal had organized for students to be split into several small groups to visit the experimental facilities of the Blackett Laboratory, including the MAGPIE and CERBERUS ones. At 16:00, we had tea, coffee and biscuits with the members of the Plasma Physics group, gaining a chance to talk about PhD applications at Imperial College. Afterwards, students were given some time to wander around the campus and we met again at the Imperial College Union at 19:00 to have dinner and relax.'


Well done to all those who helped organise the visit.




Caroline Jackson

Caroline Jackson
Department of Physics

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