Imperial News

Imperial community expresses solidarity with Paris

by John-Paul Jones

Imperial College London shared condolences over the weekend following the terrorist attacks in Paris.

President Alice Gast wrote to Imperial’s student French society, alumni and the French Embassy to express the Imperial community's sadness and solidarity with those affected. 

Professor Gast said: "We mourn the loss of life and condemn the violence in Paris and we keep our students, staff, alumni, friends and families in our thoughts".

We mourn the loss of life and condemn the violence in Paris.

– Professor Alice Gast


Imperial has also been working to support members of its community in Paris at the time. All of the undergraduate students known to have been in the capital on College placements have been accounted for and are in touch with the College authorities, who are offering support and advice. Work is ongoing to verify that all staff and students are safe.

Imperial has many links with France, including a thriving French student and staff population. Last year the College welcomed 370 new students from France, the largest overseas group after China. The College's research and education ties include relationships with French higher education institutions such as the National Centre for Scientific Research and the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, based in Paris. Imperial is also a member of the League of European Research Universities alongside Pierre & Marie Curie University, Université Paris-Sud and the University of Strasbourg. France is Imperial’s third largest source of international research collaborations. 

A minute’s silence is to be held across Europe on Monday 16 November at 11.00, with Imperial's staff and students invited to come together to observe the silence, at the Queen's Tower on the South Kensington Campus.