Imperial News

Energy & Environmental Science Cover for CPE

by Lisa O'Donnell

Work of Nanoanalysis group showcased on the cover of Energy & Environmental Science

Exciting work from the Nanoanalysis Group has uncovered the nature of the electronic transitions within DPP based copolymers. With power conversion efficiencies approaching 10 %, organic semiconductors continue to demonstrate their potential as low-cost, printable solar cells. Studies are now focussed on their long-term stability and how to overcome degradation mechanisms for longer device lifetimes. Donor-acceptor copolymers incorporating diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP) units have attracted a strong interest, but until this point, their optoelectronic properties were still unclear. This work considers both the nature of the optical absorption transitions and the energy dependent photostability of the materials.

This work was showcased on the cover of Energy & Environmental Science.

The Nanoanalysis Group are based in the Physics Department. The head of group is Dr. Ji-Seon Kim.