Imperial News

Winner of the Dean's Forum Resilience Workshop Student Poster Competition

by Lucy Chivers

Congratulations to Nils Goldbeck winner of the Student Poster Competition at the Dean's Forum Resilience Workshop, held at the University of Tokyo.

Nils presented the work that he carried out over the first year of PhD on urban infrastructure resilience, which was funded by the CDT in Sustainable Civil Engineering.

The Dean's Forum Workshop on Resilience Engineering was hosted by the University of Tokyo and attracted leading researchers from the University of California (Berkeley), MINES ParisTech, KTH Stockholm, ETH Zurich, IBM, and Imperial College London.

The aim of the workshop was to promote the scientific exchange on how to assess and improve the resilience of engineered systems against natural and man-made disasters.

Nils, who is part of the first CDT cohort, won the Best Student Poster Award for a poster about ongoing research on modelling interdependencies in urban infrastructure networks. This work proposes a novel method for network flow modelling that can be used to analyse the risk of failure propagation across infrastructure sectors and system boundaries. The model can help to understand the conditions for cascading failure, for example from the electricity distribution grid to communication systems and to urban transit networks.