Imperial News

Winner of Poster Competition at CDT conference

by Lucy Chivers

Many congratulations to Alalea Kia, who took first place in the Poster Competition at a recent CDT conference at the University of Southampton

The CDT conference was on Innovative Sustainable Solutions for Future Generations and the poster in question presented an overview of work Alalea has undertaken over the first year of her PhD focussing on pervious concrete. This work is funded by the CDT in Sustainable Civil Engineering.

The conference provided a useful forum in which to exchange ideas and viewpoints, build contacts and hear a series of highly qualified researchers speak across the theme of innovative sustainable solutions for future generations.

The standard of work presented was felt to have been very high and Alalea emerged at the head of a strong field of entrants to the competition. The research described in Alalea's poster is focussed towards the development of clogging resistant pervious concrete with a view towards making pervious pavement the Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SUDS) of choice for preventing surface flooding.

Alalea, who joined Imperial last year, as a member of the first CDT cohort was extremely pleased to take first place in Southampton and thanked all those who gave useful, practical and positive feedback on the day.