Autumn Term Review


Lillan Agerup

Lillan Agerup receiving her Prize for Outstanding Contribution to the Department from Professor Eric Yeatman and Dr Kristel Fobelets.

As we look towards a brand new year and term at Imperial, we look back and review some of the Department's achievements during the autumn term.


  • A symposium was held in September honouring the work of Professor Erol Gelenbe. The symposium focussed on areas where Professor Gelenbe is active: science and engineering policy, stochastic networks, computer and network quality of service, machine learning and bioinformatics. Read more about his work here.
  • Professor George Constantinides delivered a very successful inaugural lecture entitled ‘Is the microprocessor under threat?’
  • Professor Tim Green gave an invited talk on the use of power electronics in future networks at HVDC 2015 conference in Seoul.


  • Professor Eric Yeatman took up the position of Head of Department on 1st September 2015.
  • The Department marked Professor Peter Cheung’s 7 years as HoD with a celebratory reception
  • Two new academics joined the Intelligent Systems and Networks group  - Dr Andras Gyorgy and Dr Krystian Mikolajczyk
  • Dr Ed Stott became a Teaching Fellow.


  • Professor Mino Green received the Imperial College Medal on Commemoration day (on Monday 19th October).
  • Three microseismometers made by Professor Tom Pike made their way to Mars. The three microseismometers were all bolted onto a SEIS payload at CNES Toulouse in preparation for the delivery to the InSight spacecraft in December.
  • Professor Ron Hui was presentedwith the IEEE William E Newell Power Electronics Award, and the 1st prize for a paper in IEEE Trans Power Electronics
  • Dr Deniz Gündüz was awarded the "Best Young Researcher" for Europe, Middle East and Africa by the IEEE Communications Society.
  • Dr Gündüz was also elected as the General Co-Chair, 2016 IEEE Information Theory Workshop.  
  • Professor Alessandro Astolfi received the Sir Harold Hartley Medal 2015 from the Institute for Measurement and Control for his work in control engineering.
  • Professor Richard Syms won the Sir Mansfield Prize 2015, which is awarded for the best presentation on innovative technical developments in the field of magnetic resonance in medicine and biology submitted to the British Chapter ISMRM (The International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine) Annual Scientific Meeting.


  • Scholarships were awarded to 20 of our new intake of undergraduates who joined the Department in October.  George Punter was awarded the Imperial Kingsbury Scholarship.
  • Two of the winning teams from Pitch At Palace 4.0 included our graduates. The competition took place on 2nd November, and focused on the Internet of Things and Smart Cities, with a specific emphasis upon products and services that are helping to create a smarter world. The winning teams – Knyttan and Lifebox, pitched to approximately 300 CEOs, Angels, mentors and key business partners.  Find out more about these winning Electrical Engineering alumuni Ben Alun-Jones and Adit Mehta here
  • Paul Judge, Geraint Chaffey, Philip Clemow, Michael Merlin from the Control and Power group won best student paper at HVDC 2015 for their papers on Hardware testing of the alternate arm convertor operating in its extended overlap mode.
  • Kamna Ashu, Analogue and Digital Integrated Circuit Design MSc student received one of the Imperial College India Foundation Scholarships.
  • Taha Hamid, Msc Control Systems student, received the Commonwealth Scholarship from the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission.
  • John McClean, PhD student in the Optical and Semiconductor Devices group, received the Val O’Donoghue Scholarship.
  • Student Bulat Khusainov (Control and Power group) got a "Runner Up” prize at the UKACC 2015 PhD Showcase on 24 November for his presentation "Optimal Co-design of FPGA Implementations for MPC”. He is supervised by Professors Eric Kerrigan and George Constantinides.
  • Outstanding students from the graduating class of 2015 received prizes from the Department.


The Following students successfully defended their theses:

  • Deren Barsakcioglu, CBIT - Circuits and Systems group
  • Mario D’Auria, Communications and Signal Processing group
  • Hao Jiang, Optical and Semiconductor Devices group
  • Dixi Liu, Optical and Semiconductor Devices group
  • Jon Oñativia Bravo, Communications and Signal Processing group
  • Shuo Yang, Optical and Semiconductor Devices group










Emma Rainbow

Emma Rainbow
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

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Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 6198

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