ScottishPower Foundation launch Masters Scholarships


ScottishPower Foundation launch Masters Scholarships

The ScottishPower Foundation has announced new post-graduate scholarships for energy and environment studies for the 2016/17 academic year.

The grants from the ScottishPower Foundation  are part of a wider initiative, with the Fundación IBERDROLA in Spain, to offer 24 scholarship places in the UK and 130 places worldwide. The scholarships aim to contribute to the education of young professionals with the capabilities required to lead the energy industry into the future.

“The ScottishPower Foundation is committed to supporting the advancement of young people across the UK and our partnership with Fundación IBERDROLA strongly supports the development of our future industry leaders,” explains Ann Loughrey, Trustee and Executive Officer at the ScottishPower Foundation, “In the last six years, the Scholarships programme has offered 72 students the opportunity to acquire the skills needed to build a career in the energy industry, at some of the world’s best institutions in the UK, and we are delighted to be opening the initiative for another year.”

The scheme is aimed at recent graduates wishing to pursue a career in energy and environment related studies with a particular focus on the development of renewable energies and boosting biodiversity, as well as the efficiency of the energy system.

There are three courses eligible for the scholarship at Imperial College London. They are the MSc in Sustainable Energy Futures, the MSc in Environmental Technology and the MSc in Environmental Engineering. The funding also covers taking the latter course with the Business Management or Sustainable Development modules.

The MSc in Sustainable Energy Futures, offered by Energy Futures Lab, provides grounding in the major features of global energy issues, sustainable energy technologies and their interactions with economics, the environment and policy.  "We are delighted to be part of the ScottishPower Foundation Scholarship programme again this year,” says Dr Johannes Spinneken, Director of Education for Energy Futures Lab, “The programme offers students a real opportunity to develop their skills with the support of our team and we are looking forward to welcoming the next generation of energy leaders at Imperial College London.”

Since it was launched in 2010, the scheme has provided over £2.5 million in grants towards training the next generation excellence in their chosen field. Scholarships are open to degree-holders and graduates, with those awarded receiving grants to cover full enrolment costs as well as generous living allowance. 

Scholarship places are available at seven of the UK’s most respected Universities: the University of Cambridge, University of Edinburgh, University of Glasgow, University of Liverpool, University of Strathclyde, University of East Anglia and Imperial College London. Two places will also be offered to students wishing to study at selected Spanish Universities.

Applications can be made through the online form on the Scottish Power website from today Wednesday 10 February. The closing date is Tuesday 29 March.


Neasan O'Neill

Neasan O'Neill
Faculty of Engineering

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