Women in Innovation: Network and Develop with Imperial Women in Business


Women discussing at a meeting

ICWB welcomes all to the official launch of "Women in Innovation", an exciting panel discussion by Imperial Alumni, followed by a networking session.

Imperial College is often at the forefront of scientific discovery, ingenious engineering solutions and business ideas that could change the world; the contribution of women to this progress is immeasurable. Imperial College Women in Business are celebrating that contribution with the ‘Women in Innovation’ event, free to Imperial students, on 9 March from 18:30.

Speakers include:

  • Katerina Domenikou (Senior Programmer in Bloomberg & Co-Chair of Bloomberg Women in Technology)
  • Dr. Rana Lonnen (Director & Founder of RJ Life Sciences Consultancy Ltd)
  • Rashee Pandey (Marketing & Communications Manager at Bankable)
  • Dana Dennis Smith (Founder & CEO at Obelisk Support)
  • Ruth Allen (Consulting Manager at Deloitte)
  • Diego Bivero Volpe (CEO & Co-Founder at Rolly)


These speakers will cover their personal professional backgrounds, as well as the biggest challenge in the industry as a woman and tackling unconscious bias. The event will also be an opportunity to discover more initiatives that help support female professional progression.

The panel discussion will be followed by a Q&A session with the audience as well as networking & drinks. We have professionals and recruiters from global firms who will be exclusively attending the networking session.

Everyone is welcome to join! However, spaces are limited and located on a first-come-first-serve basis.

Imperial students: FREE (sign up through Eventbrite required, link below)

General admission: £5

Sign up on the website.


Olivia Sleet

Olivia Sleet
Careers Service

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Contact details

Email: press.office@imperial.ac.uk
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