2015 Chemical Engineering Postgraduate Prizes

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Professor Livingston Mohith Unny Professor Hewitt and Professor Kazarian

Chemical Engineering PhD and Masters' students were recognised for their achievements in the past year at the 2016 Dudley Newitt Lecture on 4 February

The 2016 Dudley Newitt Lecture focused on the illustrious history of 130 years of Chemical Engineering in South Kensington at the Department. Professor John Perkins, former head of the Department gave an inspirational lecture celebrating the progress of Chemical Engineering and looking at future challenges and opportunities.

Following the lecture, the Chemical Engineering Postgraduate Prizes for 2015 were presented, recognising the outstanding work carried out by our students this year.

The prize winners were as follows:

  • Dudley Newitt Prize for Experimental Excellence - Lisa Kleiminger
  • Dudley Newitt Prize for Theoretical/Computational Excellence - Aiman Alam Nazki
  • Geoff Hewitt Prize - Mohith Nammili Unny
  • Julia Higgins Centenary Prize - Carlos Gonzalez Lopez
  • Townend Prize - Laura Lanchas Fuentes
  • Weinberg Prize - Rajeev Dattani
  • Best Performance in an MSc research project - Chiara Heide
  • Best Performance in the MSc examinations - Marcelle De Kock

A hearty congratulations to all the prize winners for their efforts and wishing them the best of luck for the future!

For the full description of winners and their work, click through the slideshow below.




Mikhail Menezes

Mikhail Menezes
Department of Chemical Engineering

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Email: press.office@imperial.ac.uk
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Michael Panagopulos

Michael Panagopulos
Department of Chemical Engineering

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Email: press.office@imperial.ac.uk
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