Imperial News

Dobby the Robot meets 120 school girls at Abbey School in Reading

by Emma Rainbow

Junior School girls at Abbey School in Reading were visited by Dobby the robot.

Junior School girls at Abbey School in Reading were visited by Dobby the robot and his human helpers Drs Patrick Naylor, Christine Evers and Alastair Moore from the Communications and Signal Processing Group.

dobbyThey engaged students in discussions about robots and the future of robotics, and presented live demos allowing the pupils to interact with Dobby, a NAO robot.  Dobby is able to hear and would turn his head towards whoever was talking to him. He led the girls in a tai chi session and showed how he responds to music by dancing and playing air guitar.  

dobbyPatrick, Christine, and Alastair also talked to the students about pathways towards careers in engineering and robotics.They also led a discussion about the ethics of whether robots are good or bad and if they can think for themselves.

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