Imperial team wins Financial Times MBA Quiz for third year running



Winners of the Financial Times FTMBA Quiz. Image credit: Wai K Chan

A team of MBA students from Imperial College Business School have won the Financial Times FTMBA Quiz for the third year in a row.

The Quiz, hosted at the Financial Times’ London office, and compered by FT Management Editor Andrew Hill, saw competing business schools from across Europe testing their business knowledge.

Imperial’s team was made up of Full-Time MBA students Jimena Gonzalez Mardjetko, Charaf El Mansouri and Sylvain Poncet, Weekend Executive MBA students Simon Broomfield and George Gowers, and Executive MBA student Faisal Dajani.

"Having a good bond with your team mates allows you to put egos aside and work your way to the correct answer using logic.”

– Faisal Dajani

Imperial team member

The team agreed that the key to winning was a combination of diversity and luck; with team members hailing from Argentina, Morocco, France and Britain, each person brought different experiences and knowledge which helped to cover the wide range of topics.

Team member Faisal Dajani added that the team bond also played a part: "Having a good bond with your team mates allows you to put egos aside and work your way to the correct answer using logic.”

Imperial beat 10 other schools including London Business School, Oxford Said Business School, Warwick Business School, Cass Business School, University of St Gallan, University of Surrey and Frankfurt School.

Professor G ‘Anand’ Anandalingam, Dean of Imperial College Business School, said: “We are extremely proud of the team for representing Imperial College Business School so well. To win three years in a row is quite an achievement and reflects the real-world business knowledge that our students demonstrate, and the brilliant minds we have here at the School."

The competition was tight throughout, with ties for first, second and third at the midway point, and Imperial three points ahead at the final buzzer.

However the team remained confident, and team member George Gowers said: “Despite the pressure of having won it two years running and being behind until the final round, we kept cool and didn't panic!”

The quiz marks the launch of the annual FT MBA Challenge, in which students apply their skills to develop a business plan for the FT’s Seasonal Appeal partner, this year the human rights organisation, Stop the Traffik.



Rachael Glasgow

Rachael Glasgow
Business School

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