BP Scholar in Electrical Engineering



Mikkel Jordahn

Mikkel Jordahn is one of five Imperial College students to be awarded a BP Stem Scholarship.

The BP Stem Scholarship aims to inspire students studying Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. The programme offers financial support as well as giving the students opportunities to engage with BP throughout their degree. 

Mikkel, who is in the first year of his Electronic and Information Engineering degree, is very grateful for the funding which he sees as life changing for him for his studies at Imperial College. He says: ‘from an industrial standpoint it’s an incredible opportunity for networking and insight in one of the largest and most successful companies in the world. The recipients will be invited to occasional conferences at which we will learn more about the company and the oil industry. At the end of my degree, the scholarship may also allow me to intern or have graduate opportunities with BP, which in itself is more than I could ever have dreamed of.’

The selection process included a written application asking the students to provide examples demonstrating how they had showed motivation and excellence in real life, followed by several tests and finally an interview with a graduate recruiter from BP.

Congratulations to Mikkel, we are sure that he will benefit a great deal from this scholarship.

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Emma Rainbow

Emma Rainbow
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

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Contact details

Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 6198
Email: e.rainbow@imperial.ac.uk

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